Monday 9 September 2013

My random brain...

So this is gonna be my new way of dealing with stuff... Its weird typing everything knowing that random people will be able read it! One of the first things I wrote when I started my diary/book thing was 'my brain feels like tangled spaghetti' not a lot has changed since then haha and I don't always write in proper sentences by the way, so you kind of have to get used to it ;) In case you were wondering I'm 17 and have severe depression, I'm on medication but it isn't really working so far, I also self harm sometimes, I know its a really bad habit but it makes me feel like i'm in control of my life, even if its just for 5 minutes. This year I'm determined not to embarrass myself like I did in year 12 haha, that day I lost my temper, kicked a wall (sorry wall!) and ended up in A&E was horrible, I'm trying to find better ways to let my feelings out! I found someone on youtube called Laura Lejeune, she is really helpful if you are depressed :) Aw connor just wrote on my facebook wall, he gave me a 9 for my looks and 9 for my personality :D anyway... I'm really tired so I'm gonna to to sleep now, goodnight xx

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