Sunday 15 September 2013

Schoolwork, insomnia and reasons I should not have facebook...

I'm so tired right now cause my sleeping times are so messed up, I lie awake all night then end up sleeping in the day so I can't sleep at night again, and it goes on and on like that :( I feel really really depressed today, not like I'm gonna cut myself depressed, just sad and kind of empty. Its weird cause I have so many different depressing feelings, some are angry and sad, some are frustrated and sad, and some are just plain miserable, I've cried through nearly half a box of tissues since last night...
I have so much schoolwork to do at the moment but I just can't find the motivation in me to get on with it, I hate it when I have to hide from teachers all day, and I hate being told how worried they are about my lack of work but I just can't do it. I don't know why I'm even in sixth form, I want to give up but there's a part of me that is so stubborn that makes me wanna finish it even if it kills me. I hate feeling like I'm being torn in two but I don't even know what I would do if I wasn't doing my A levels. I wish I could just move away to somewhere completely different and start again so I can be the person I want, not a confused falling apart mess like I am at the moment. All I want to do right now is crawl under my duvet and never ever come out again (except when I'm hungry!). There's family stuff going on at the moment as well that isn't helping (but I can't explain that right now)
And about the Facebook... yeah... it was a bad idea. It is way too distracting and there's some stuff on there you don't really wanna see (e.g. a few weeks ago I logged on and the first thing i saw was a picture of the boy I like kissing his girlfriend, not really what I needed then haha) And the messages... grrrr I hate it when people ignore them or don't reply, and the temptation to say what you think is just too much, I think I should delete one particular person off my friends list before I say anything else to make things worse. It feels like my world is collapsing and I end up taking it out on others which isn't fair on them :( 
I'm going to do some of my textiles work now, bye xx

p.s one other thing - I'm going to see Mallory Knox in Bristol on November 22nd!!! Best band ever :D YAY!!!

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